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 RuneScape - A greater supply means a lower price
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Posted - 21/01/2022 :  07:11:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

DFS is in the process of crashing due to DDef. Godswords/whips are crashing due to more players getting Chaotics (been more than a year now since publication of Dg today) The rest of the game is also crashing due to the enormous amount of BOTS. Sorceress Garden bots have destroyed the prices of herbs.

Lol? Ddef was introduced like 3 months ago, and the time it was in five million higher. However, I personally am unsure. I don't understand why the more GP means more demand, doesn't it? What makes you expect a DFS drop because of the addition of GP? Only possibility that DFS falls is because of higher supply, which is highly unlikely or, in the case of less demand, which will, in turn, be unlikely since there are more GP.

It could be because the Dungeoneering shields are becoming more sought-after and Divine and Elysian Spirit Shields are becoming more common up to where the majority of RS populace (200Kor more) have both. If both coughs win, All Day cough.

Yes, more GP = more demand. However, this PKing system does not produce any GP. Instead, the products are not destroyed but instead soldand reenter the market. A greater supply means a lower price. Yeap, well said. Also, the only way Bots will stop is to making changes and changing the game. Eg. the new trees to the south of Fally aren't believed to have bots.

I'm interested to hear what your thoughts are on this...I'm 101 combat at present and have a good amount of cash (100mil equivalent to around) I'm thinking of maxing it out because I've never had prior to this.

Want to learn more about OSRS gold at https://www.rsgoldfast.com/RS2007.Gold

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Posted - 27/03/2022 :  06:12:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

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